
Consistency & Ductility


High precision in material texture testing

Benefit from Anton Paar’s longstanding experience in consistency and ductility testing. From essential tools for surface penetration and grease working to reliable breaking point testers and force-ductility meters – Anton Paar’s widely applicable solutions for consistency and ductility testing guarantee full compliance with a vast range of relevant standards.

Unlimited application possibilities
With an extensive assortment of test accessories together with a patented force sensor plunger that will automatically detect your sample’s surface, Anton Paar’s penetrometer is an essential tool for the consistency and plasticity determination of bitumen, greases, waxes, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and others in accordance with ASTM D5, ASTM D214, ISO 2137, EN 1426 and more.

Sophisticated data management
No more handwritten records! In Anton Paar’s penetrometer up to 200 results are stored and ready for statistical evaluation. The minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation of a measured series are calculated. Easy data transfer to Excel® or a lab data management system. Password protected operation retains your data integrity.

Hard labor turned into an easy job
The grease sample preparation with Anton Paar’s automatic grease working machine simplifies the tiresome and laborious working procedure typically required for shear stability tests. This solution guarantees compliance with the methods ASTM D214, ASTM D7342, ISO 2137, JIS K 2220, IP 50 and FTM 791-313.

Identify the cracking temperature
Another typical instrument for the characterization of bitumen is the Fraass breaking point tester with an integrated permanent bending program. It determines the brittle behavior at low temperatures in accordance with the standards EN 12593, IP 80 and JIS K 2207.

Three in one for tensile properties
The force-ductility meter from Anton Paar offers three procedures to measure bitumen properties: ductility or elongation, elastic recovery and force ductility according to the following standards: ASTM D113, JIS K 2207, AASHTO T51, DIN 52013; ASTM D6084, EN 13398, IP 516; EN 13589, EN 13703, AASHTO T300, IP 515, IP 520.