

Full description

Gas sorption analyzer designed for flexibility, accuracy, and speed

QUADRASORB evo is a high-performance surface area and pore size analyzer with four 100 % independent analysis stations. Four simultaneous and independent analysis ports remove the limitations of single dewar systems allowing samples to be started as soon as previous measurements are completed. It is designed to meet the throughput needs of any R&D or QA laboratory wanting reliable and accurate BET surface area and detailed pore size results. Essentially four units in one, with an optional micropore or krypton version. A dedicated transducer has been provided for measurement of Po (adsorbate saturated vapor pressure), so that continually measuring Po does not slow down analysis capabilities. The new BET “QuickModeTM” provides high throughput industrial materials characterization labs the ability to process samples at dramatically improved speeds. QUADRASORB evo is the most cost-effective and flexible solution for busy labs.

Features & Benefits
BET QuickMode™ - For industrial high throughput settings - Time savings up to 50%.
• By passes most initialization, extended evacuation, and transducer zeroing sequences.
• Samples can run synchronously.

Dedicated Po transducer and manifold provides uninterrupted dosing of samples during measurements.
• Po can be continually measured.
• No need to stop measurement to update Po.
• No slow down in analysis to measure Po.

Flexible Po Modes
• Po can be estimated from ambient atmospheric pressure.
• Po can be entered as fixed value.
• Po can be analytically measured.

Hardware Features
• Soft closing protective door with pneumatic hinges for operator safety.
• Integrated, insulated dewar covers incorporated in lift mechanism to extend the life and
insulating the dewar content.
• Smooth belt drive dewar lift for precise control of Quantachrome’s novel small cold zone.
• 1 torr, low pressure transducer for krypton and micropore measurements.
• Stainless steel gas paths including metal to metal seals for optimal vacuum performance.

New Dose Wizard™ Flexibility
• Can use a previously measured sample as a dosing template for reduced analysis time.
• Can be used with or without QuickMode™.
Product specification
Pressure transducers 6 1000 torr transducers 
  (optionally one 1 torr transducer on Kr/MP models)
Transducer accuracy 1000 torr: 0.11 % full scale
  1 torr: 0.15 % reading
Pressure resolution 0.016 torr (1000 torr range)
  0.000016 torr (1 torr range)
Ultimate vacuum 5 x 10⁻³ mbar achieved by dedicated 2-stage direct-drive 
  rotary pump (not included)
  1 x 10⁻⁹ torr achieved by turbo-molecular vacuum pump 
  (included in Kr/MP models)
Adsorbates Nitrogen and any other non-corrosive gas with appropriate coolant
Surface area range 0.01 m²/g to no known upper limit (nitrogen)
  0.0005 m²/g to no known upper limit (krypton), (Kr/MP model only)
Pore volume Detectable limit <0.0001 cc/g
Pore size range 3.5 Å to >4000 Å (0.35 nm to >400 nm)
Number of independent Dewar (coolant) baths 4
Coolant level Automatically maintained at a level around the sample
   cell to minimize cold zone volume
Number of degassing  Zero (required purchase of separate degassing unit)
Physical environmental properties
Dimensions (W x D x H) 63.7 cm x 53.3 cm x 73.6 cm
Weight 57.5 kg*
Electrical 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Environmental 10 °C to 38 °C operating range at 90 % maximum relative humidity
*Standard (non-MP/Kr) version
Корпорація Quantachrome Instruments

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