Sotax Solutions for pharmaceutical testing

Providing high-quality testing solutions for pharmaceutical dosage forms such as tablets has been the expertise and passion of the SOTAX Group for more than 40 years. Strongly committed to local service and driving innovation, the company is proud to be the preferred choice of pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The SOTAX Group is an international leader in the development and manufacturing of equipment for dissolution testing, automated sample preparation, and physical testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms. With a global network of service engineers, the company is also a trusted provider of installation, maintenance, repair, and qualification services for both its brand products – the SOTAX brand and the Dr. Schleuniger® Pharmatron brand.
Under the SOTAX brand, the company group develops and manufactures equipment for dissolution testing and automated sample preparation.
The SOTAX brand is known for having pioneered the USP 4 flow-through dissolution testing method and for being the industry’s benchmark brand for fully automated dissolution testing solutions since 1993. In addition to its existing products, SOTAX introduced the revolutionary new Xtend™ dissolution testing product line in 2014.
SOTAX automated instruments are processing hundreds of thousands of dissolution tests and samples for assay and content/blend uniformity in laboratories worldwide every day.