
Оxidation Stability Tester: RapidOxy 100

Full description
• Fast, unique measuring principle, according to ASTM D8206
• Fully-automatic accelerated oxidation stability determination; No sample preparation required
• Additional investigation and evaluation opportunities, e.g. shelf-life estimation for fats and oils, with OxyLogger 100

The unique oxidation stability tester accelerates the oxidation process by using increased temperature and an excess of pure oxygen.
RapidOxy 100 is highly suitable for oxidation stability determination of vegetable oils and animal fats (e.g. margarine, butter, edible oils), food (such as mayonnaise, sauce, cream, cheese, biscuits), cosmetics (lip balm, hand cream, body lotion, etc.), and flavors and fragrances.

Fast and unique measuring method
• Excellent reproducibility and repeatability
• Measuring range of up to 180 °C
• Short test time with results in a fraction of the time compared to other accelerated aging methods
• Small sample volume, usually only 5 mL or 4 g
• No sample preparation necessary
• Optional magnetic stirrer available
• Fast and easy cleaning of the test chamber and the inserted glass dish with soft paper tissue and ethanol
• Measuring principle based on ASTM D7525, ASTM D7545, EN 16091 and IP 595

Easy and intuitive operation
• Stand-alone instrument (no external PC required)
• Large 5.7‘‘ capacitive touchscreen display in a modern design
• Pressure curve monitoring on the display during measurement
• Live display of temperature, pressure, and time

Convenient data transfer and data evaluation
• Data transfer (.rtf, .csv)
• Optional PC software for data handling and processing
• 2 USB ports

Compact and modern design with a small footprint and small weight
• Very small footprint (200 mm x 400 mm) and a height of 250 mm
• Easy to handle (and to move within the lab) with a small weight of less than 9 kg

Eco-friendly instrument
• No chemicals other than ethanol needed for the cleaning process; no reagent waste
• No chemicals needed for sample preparation
• Re-usable glass dishes
• Closed system; no waste other than the sample
• Increased energy efficiency; reaction times are dramatically shortened which improves the overall energy efficiency of chemical processes
• Environmentally friendly Peltier cooling; efficient Peltier re-cooling after finished test
Product specification
Model RapidOxy
Application range up to 180°C
Re-cooling Automatic, fan and active Peltier
Sample volume Typically 5 mL or 4g
Test cell Stainless steel
Pressure range up to 1800 kPa
Internal memory unlimited
Safety Screw cap cover, safety and insulation hood, over-temperature shut-off
Display Pressure, temperature, pressure curve
Interface RS232
Oxygen supply 800 kPa (maximum input)
Power supply 115 V/230 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 600 W
Dimensions 20 cm x 40 cm
Weight <9 kg
RapidOxy en

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